Screens are created to add them in FMEA Template. An FMEA template will have options to add various screens for its parts like process, microprocess, Failure Modes,etc.
Screens-Main Page
In the Configuration section, on selecting the Screens tab, the screens main page will appear. The Screens main page will have the following,
- A Create Screen button - This button can be used to create new screens.
- Quick Search box to search the created screens from the list of appearing created screens.
- List of screens created will also appear in the main page, below the quick search box.
Create Screen
To create screens follow the steps given below,
Step 1 : Go to the Configuration section and select the Screens tab.
Step 2 : Click on the Create button.
The Create Screen will appear.
Step 3 : On the Create Screen that appears fill in all the details. The Create screen will have the following fields,
- Name
- Description
- Category Type - To choose PFMEA or DFMEA.
- Screen Type - To choose which screen type
- Choose Color - The selected color will be displayed on the consolidated view page of FMEA for the headers.
- Choose Fields option with Choose button to select Fields. (At Least one field is Mandatory).
After filling all the details click on the Save button. The field will be created.
Screens - Category Type
- The Category Type field is a Single Select Dropdown field, which will display all the categories from which the required category can be selected for the screen to be created.
- Options appearing for the Category Type are,
Screens - Screen Types
- The Screen Type field is a Single Select Dropdown field, which will display all the Screen Types based on the Category Type, from which the required Screen type can be selected.
Category Type - PFMEA
If the Category Type is PFMEA, then the Screen Type field will show the following Screen Types,
- Summary
- Process Step
- Micro Process Step
- Potential Failure Mode
- Potential Failure Cause
- Action Items
Category Type - DFMEA
If the Category Type is DFMEA, then the Template Type field will show the following Templates,
- Summary
- System
- Sub System
- Potential Failure Mode
- Potential Failure Cause
- Action Items
Category Type - Control Plan
If the Category Type is Control Plan, then the Template Type field will show the following Templates,
- Summary
- Process
- Micro Process
- Characteristics
- Controls
Choose Fields
On clicking the Choose Fields option, the Fields screen will appear. In the Fields screen that appears choose the required fields and click on the Add button. The fields will be added to the Screen.
Added Fields will be displayed in a table that will have the following Columns: Name, Type, and Mandatory column containing checkbox to make it mandatory. This table will also have a search bar to search the fields.